BRASS would like you to join us at our Christmas Party on Sunday 17th December.
Everyone is welcome, so bring your family and friends. It's free, so come along to enjoy a mince pie and share in the Christmas fun.
There will be lots of free drinks, party food and music. There will be fun games, crafts and presents for children. Feel free to drop in and say hello.
When: Sunday 17th December, 1pm to 5pm.
Where: St Peter's Church, De Parys Avenue, Bedford, MK40 2TX (at the town end of De Parys Ave, same venue as last year).
It would help if you let us know if you are coming. Please email me at But you don't need to book - just turn up!
Best wishes
BRASS Co-ordinator

Last year's party was our most successful ever. Help make this party even bigger and better - come along and join us.

When: Sunday 17th December, 1pm to 5pm.
Where: St Peter's Church, De Parys Avenue, Bedford, MK40 2TX (at the town end of De Parys Ave, same venue as last year).